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Snoring? Don’t Fret—Your Family Dentist Can Help

Snoring? Don’t Fret—Your Family Dentist Can Help

Get your nighttime snoring under control. We all need our sleep, and when we’re the snorer or lying next to a snorer, chances are no one is getting a lot of it. For the snorer, fits of obstructed breathing can leave you feeling fatigued in the morning, as your body struggles to fall into a…
What is Periodontal Disease?

What is Periodontal Disease?

The surprising role your gums play in your health. If you had to guess, how vital would you say your gums are to your oral health? What about to your overall health? It might surprise you to learn that they actually hold a vital role in both. Your gums seal the vulnerable roots of your…
How Dental Bridges and Implants Can Help You

How Dental Bridges and Implants Can Help You

Implants provide versatile, long-term treatments for missing teeth. Teeth may seem like an ordinary part of your everyday life, but they’re surprisingly powerful. A smile has the power to cheer the people around you, it impacts others’ impressions of you, and helps you build relationships. Your teeth also have a vital role in helping you…
What Are the Most Common Types of Cosmetic Dental Procedures?

What Are the Most Common Types of Cosmetic Dental Procedures?

Cosmetic dentistry can restore your smile and improve your oral health. Have you smiled yet today? If so, congratulations! You activated a natural pathway in your brain that fights stress, reduces pain, releases “happy hormones,” and even lifts the mood of others around you. For those of us who are uncomfortable with our natural teeth,…
The KöR® Whitening System: A Step Above the Rest

The KöR® Whitening System: A Step Above the Rest

A Safe and Effective Way to Brighten Your Smile According to a recent study, 80% of Americans want whiter teeth—and for good reason. The benefits of white teeth extend beyond an improved appearance to include increased confidence and friendliness. After all, if your teeth are white, you’ll want to show off your smile. KöR Whitening…
What is sleep apnea, and is it dangerous?

What is sleep apnea, and is it dangerous?

Snoring can be a warning sign of a much bigger health issue. Have you ever been snoozing away only to receive a face-full of pillow from your partner, telling you that your snoring keeps waking them up? Or have you been on the other end of it, struggling to sleep through the halting, impossibly loud…
5 Things Your Toothache is Trying to Tell You

5 Things Your Toothache is Trying to Tell You

Learning to listen to the messages your teeth are sending you. Do you have an aching tooth that distracts you throughout the day or sends sharp pains shooting through your jaw when you’re trying to eat a meal? It’s easy to try and write these kinds of pains off when you’re busy and feel like…
How to Treat and Prevent Periodontal Disease

How to Treat and Prevent Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a widespread issue, but it’s also highly preventable. Periodontal disease, commonly referred to as gum disease, affects millions of American adults. The CDC has found that about half of adults have diagnosed or undiagnosed periodontitis, the most advanced form of gum disease. Other oral health authorities believe that closer to 80% of…
5 Advantages of Clear Aligners for Straightening Your Teeth

5 Advantages of Clear Aligners for Straightening Your Teeth

Wishing for a straighter smile? Clear aligners are the perfect solution. Your smile is one of your most unique features. It’s one of the first things people notice when they meet you and something that truly leaves a lasting impression. Every smile is beautiful, but if you’re feeling less than confident with yours because of…
6 Things to Do in Greensboro Your Trivia Buff Will Love

6 Things to Do in Greensboro Your Trivia Buff Will Love

Do you have a trivia lover in your life? Surprise them with a day trip to one of these educational spots in Greensboro. Trivia nights are always a blast, but many trivia buffs find learning something new just as much fun as the satisfaction of getting the right answer during a game. If your child,…

Smile More with Farless Dental Group

The Farless Dental Team will meet your family and cosmetic dentistry needs and provide the comfort and peace of mind you deserve!