Crooked Smile? 7 Reasons You May Benefit From SureSmile Aligners

Get straight teeth with SureSmile aligners.

Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you, which can be stressful if you don’t feel confident about your teeth. If you have misaligned, crowded, or crooked teeth, an option you may consider is SureSmile aligners. These clear dental aligners offer many benefits, giving you the chance to get discreet treatment and so much more.

Advantages of Cosmetic Dentistry

1. Discreet Orthodontic Treatment

One of the biggest issues adults have when they think about turning to cosmetic dentistry or orthodontic procedures is the worry that everyone will know they’re wearing braces. Even though lots of people get braces when they’re older, they may feel self-conscious, and that could keep them from getting the help they need.

When you turn to SureSmile aligners, this isn’t an issue. The aligners are clear, so no one has to know you’re wearing them. Traditional braces have brackets and wires that can affect appearance, but these clear aligners are virtually invisible.

2. Customized Treatment Plan

When you choose SureSmile aligners to achieve a healthy smile, you can get the exact customized treatment you need. To make the braces, we use precise digital impressions, along with some of the most advanced technologies available in the field.

This streamlines the treatment process and addresses the issues you struggle with. It’s not always possible to achieve this precision with other kinds of braces.

3. Comfortable and Removable

Regular braces have hard edges that can scratch your gums, irritate your skin, and even hurt your tongue. Clear aligners have smooth edges that don’t hurt your mouth. They also fit perfectly, so you hardly feel them.

When you wear regular braces, you have to worry constantly about what you eat to avoid damaging the wires and brackets. You must avoid eating hard candy, sticky treats, or any other foods that might get stuck in the braces. With SureSmile aligners, this isn’t an issue because you can remove them when you eat.

Being able to remove the braces also helps you to brush your teeth more easily. Brackets and wires can cause pieces of food to get stuck in areas that are hard to reach with a toothbrush or even with floss. Since you can remove the aligners when you need to, you can maintain your regular oral hygiene routine.

4. Faster Treatment Timeline

SureSmile aligners also offer results much sooner than traditional braces. Clear aligners put pressure on all of your teeth at the same time, as opposed to traditional braces, which require tweaking the pressure on each tooth individually. You also don’t have to worry about continual orthodontic appointments when you turn to clear aligners.

5. Predictable Results

The innovative technology that SureSmile aligners rely on offers the chance to easily predict the results of the treatment. This technology uses 3D imaging and software that shows patients animations of what they can expect throughout the process.

These aligners can adapt to treat even complex cases, making them a good option for people who might not have been able to benefit from other types of clear aligners.

6. Improved Oral Hygiene

Since you are not able to remove braces to brush your teeth, like you can with SureSmile aligners, you can’t efficiently deal with bacteria that cause tooth decay. Food can get stuck in the brackets of regular braces, allowing bacteria to continue to grow and spread. The acids the bacteria create wear at your enamel, leading to tooth decay.

Metal braces can also cause damage to your gums. Those nicks and cuts make gum infections more likely, which can put your oral health in jeopardy.

7. Addressing Various Orthodontic Issues

SureSmile aligners can address many types of orthodontic issues, including:

  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Crowding
  • Spacing

Other types of clear aligners have much more limited functions, but SureSmile aligners have slits that allow the insertion of intermaxillary elastics, as well as other cutouts, which provide access to the buttons that are attached to the teeth for more complex procedures. This makes them a versatile option.

Getting the Smile You Want

What has been holding you back from reaching out for orthodontic treatment? SureSmile aligners help address all of the concerns you may have when dealing with metal braces, like discomfort, appearance, and even hygiene issues. These aligners are known as some of the best clear dental aligners because of their versatility.

A common question patients have is, “Are clear aligners covered by dental insurance?” They can be, at least partially, but the answer depends on your plan. Don’t wait to get the smile you want. Schedule an appointment with us at Farless Dental Group for cosmetic dentistry in Greensboro, NC.