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The Benefits of Using Dental Implants to Stabilize Dentures

What are the benefits of dental implants to stabilize dentures? An implant-supported denture is a type of over-denture attached to implants for added structural support. They’re often recommended to patients who no longer have any teeth in the jaw, but still have enough bone to support the implants. Implant-supported dentures use special attachments that snap…

National Nutrition Month – How Nutrition Affects Oral Health

Ever wonder how nutrition affects oral health? During National Nutrition Month, let’s take a moment to understand the effects of food on your teeth. Proper nutrition means following a well-balanced diet that ensures that your body gets all the nutrients that it needs for good overall health. If you’re not eating right, then your body…

Get Rid Of Bad Breath With Proper Oral Hygiene

Whether you call it halitosis, garlic breath, dragon breath or stomatodysodia, one thing is for sure, bad breath is not pleasant. Even worse, for something so bad, the condition is actually quite common. In fact, as many as 80 million Americans suffer from bad breath. Let’s take a look at a few ways to get…

Celebrating Children’s Dental Health Month with Healthy Teeth

Take a moment and celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month with Dr. Farless and your Greensboro family dentistry team! By taking better care of your child’s teeth today, the better able you can prevent cavities, plaque and other dental problems from happening in the future. And, what better time is there to start taking a more…

Wedding Teeth Whitening Routine – Getting Your Smile Camera-Ready

Need a wedding teeth whitening routine to ensure bright white teeth on your special day? Let’s take a look at your home and in-office options. With your wedding coming up soon, you probably already have your hands full going from the baker to the tailor and to the florist. As busy as you already are,…

Laser Dentistry Benefits – A Quick Overview

Lasers have gone on to revolutionize multiple industries, oral care or dental health included. Although laser dentistry is relatively new, the results already look promising. Let’s take a quick look at the laser dentistry benefits that you can expect. How Laser Dentistry Works Laser teeth whitening and periodontal laser therapy are both exclusively in-office dental…

Extractions – What To Do After Dental Extraction

Before you have 1 or more teeth removed, it is important to understand what to do after dental extraction to make sure your gums have an opportunity to fully heal. When a tooth is damaged so much that it’s impossible to repair anymore, or if your wisdom teeth come in impacted – which they usually…

New Year’s Resolution – Maintaining Oral Health

  Turning over a new leaf in the New Year isn’t easy, which is why most people don’t follow through. However, finding a way to stick to your resolution is much easier if there are benefits to doing so, especially when it’s to your oral health and overall well being. These five resolutions are a…

The Benefits of an Electric Toothbrush

Before you go out to buy an electric toothbrush, it pays to do a little research beforehand. For example, did you know that electric toothbrushes aren’t just battery-powered toothbrushes? Contrary to popular belief, true electric toothbrushes are rechargeable and plug directly into the wall. You can also get to keep the handle for as long…

The Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth

Are you missing a tooth or two? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, according to the American Dental Association (ADA), the average adult between the ages of 20 and 64 has at least three decayed or missing teeth. Being in good company, though, isn’t really good news. The fact is, it is in your…

Smile More with Farless Dental Group

The Farless Dental Team will meet your family and cosmetic dentistry needs and provide the comfort and peace of mind you deserve!