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Benefits of KöR® Teeth Whitening

  What are the benefits of KöR® Teeth Whitening? Bleaching to achieve whiter teeth is a very simple, non-invasive procedure that has been the go-to treatment to change the natural color of the tooth’s enamel to achieve brighter and whiter teeth. KöR® Teeth Whitening is a deep bleaching system that is commonly gaining ground as…

How To Get That Picture-Perfect Smile For The Upcoming Summer Holidays

Summer is here, which means, reunions, parties, and weddings are all in the cards. Being that such memorable events always come with the obligatory photo sessions, it’s only natural for you to wonder how to give yourself, in particular, your teeth, that picture-perfect smile. While there’s truly no way to get “perfect” teeth, anyone can…

National Candy Month – How Sugar Affects Teeth

Most people don’t realize just how sugar affects teeth when they grab for that handful of candy. Many believe that it’s okay to eat candy and other sugary treats every now and then. And, while the occasional indulging of the sweet tooth is definitely not harmful, you have to realize that sugar doesn’t just come…

How Tooth-Colored Fillings Can Improve Your Smile

Amalgam fillings remain a popular filling material choice for repairing decayed teeth. However, they are slowly being replaced by other options. The most popular alternative are tooth-colored fillings, otherwise known as composite resin fillings. What Is A Tooth-Colored Filling? Made out of a mix of plastics and small glass practices, the main advantage of using…

Five Foods and Drinks That Stain Teeth Every Time

Did you know the top 5 foods and drinks that stain teeth? With wine day set to be celebrated on May 25th, you and most people are sure to have their fair share of Vino. That’s great. Studies have shown that wine, specifically red wine, is very good for your health. However, before you start…

National Blood Pressure Month – The Link Between Hypertension and Oral Health

Hypertension and oral health, they are linked more than you might realize. Did you know that high blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension, can affect what kind of oral healthcare you can receive? In fact, most dentists will avoid performing dental treatments on patients with hypertension. In particular, those with high blood pressure will have…

Stress Awareness Month – How Can Stress Affect Your Teeth?

How can stress affect your teeth? Thinking about stress is, for the lack of a better word, stressful. But, it does pay to be aware of how much stress can affect your life. Since April is Stress Awareness Month, let’s take a look at the many ways stress can affect your oral health, and what…

Smile Out Loud Referral Plan Information

Smile Out Loud Referral Plan Information Just in case you were wondering, the Smile Out Loud referral program, which was introduced many years ago, is still ongoing. If you don’t know, the Smile Out Loud referral program, is a program introduced by Dr. Farless years ago. The program rewards any of your friends that come…

Oral Cancer Awareness Month – The Importance of Oral Cancer Screenings

Let’s raise a little awareness about Oral Cancer screening. It just might save more than your smile! What starts out as a harmless and tiny white or red spot or sore could easily be the sign of something much worse. After all, it’s not exactly easy to tell the harmful ones from the harmless ones,…

Why Your Dentist Needs To Know About Your Medications

Did you know that there are medications that affect teeth and your overall oral health, causing dry mouth, change the way you taste food, and affect your gums? For this very reason, it’s important that you tell your dentist and dental hygienist about the type of medication you’re taking, how much you’re taking and how…

Smile More with Farless Dental Group

The Farless Dental Team will meet your family and cosmetic dentistry needs and provide the comfort and peace of mind you deserve!