Benefits of KöR® Teeth Whitening


benefits of kor teeth whiteningWhat are the benefits of KöR® Teeth Whitening? Bleaching to achieve whiter teeth is a very simple, non-invasive procedure that has been the go-to treatment to change the natural color of the tooth’s enamel to achieve brighter and whiter teeth.

KöR® Teeth Whitening is a deep bleaching system that is commonly gaining ground as a treatment of choice for the best whitening results.

What Is KöR® Teeth Whitening?

The KöR® Teeth Whitening system is similar to any other deep bleaching system in many regards. The main difference is how the bleaching gels used to whiten teeth are handled.

While the bleaching gels are naturally properly taken care of and stored properly, their quality slowly degrades in between transportation from the manufacturer to the company and finally, to the dentists themselves.

The KöR® Teeth Whitening system differs in that they keep all of the bleaching gels refrigerated constantly. As a result, they’re virtually as effective as the day as they were first manufactured.

The Benefits of Kor Whiteningbenefits of kor teeth whitening

  • Little to no pain and sensitivity. One of the best things about the Kor Whitening system is that there’s very little sensitivity after the treatment at all. Most patients report no discomfort from the procedure, which is why bleaching is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures today. Those with extremely sensitive teeth may still feel pain from the extremely cold temperatures of the bleaching gel. But, for such patients, dentists won’t usually recommend any type of professional whitening treatment anyway.
  • The results are essentially permanent. So long as you take proper care of your teeth at home and listen to the dentist’s advice, patients can get to enjoy their whiter and brighter smile for a very long time after the procedure.
  • Natural-looking, whiter teeth. Having whiter teeth is no good if they don’t look natural. That’s something you need not worry about with just about any other whitening system. The KöR® Teeth Whitening system, however, stands out in that the results are very dramatic. Although it’s different for everyone, it’s not unusual for patients to see their teeth being as many as 8 shades lighter after just one procedure.

How Does The Process Work?

Different from other teeth bleaching procedures, KöR® Teeth Whitening typically takes as many as three visits.

During the first visit, the dentist will take impressions of your teeth to create custom, clear plastic trays. Then, later on, you will try on the trays to see if they fit properly before going through the first in-office bleaching session.

The treatment process typically takes almost an hour and you’re welcome to bring anything with you to help pass the time as you get your teeth whitened.

Once finished, the dentist will give you your custom trays as well as detailed instructions on how to use each tray. Most patients usually have to wear the trays every night for at least 14 days for maximum whitening effect.

After around two weeks, you’ll return for your third and final appointment.

The results are said to last for years. That’s if you followed your dentist’s instructions and take proper care of your teeth after the treatment.

The KöR® Teeth Whitening system is a very effective and safe whitening system that’s sure to give you the brighter and whiter smile that you’ve always wanted. For more information contact Greensboro Dentist, Dr. Graham Farless at 336-282-2868. Visit the website at