5 Things Veneers Can Correct

5 Things Veneers Can Correct

Revitalizing Your Smile

Smiles are often compared to sunshine, brightening a room or even someone’s day. Unfortunately, plenty of people are embarrassed by their smiles and unsure how to gain confidence in their grin. Well-known solutions like braces and whitening treatments don’t always fit a patient’s lifestyle and can’t fix every imperfection.

Thankfully, this doesn’t mean that a beautiful, confident smile is out of reach. Veneers are a great treatment option that can provide you with a bright, natural smile in just a few visits. Placing a veneer is simple for the experienced dentist such as Dr. Farless. It involves shaving a very small amount of enamel from your teeth, taking a mold to send to the lab, and securing the veneer onto the desired teeth. If you decide on this treatment option with Dr. Farless, you’ll be able to customize the color, shape, and size of your veneers. The entire process takes just a few visits to the dentist—a pretty small time investment for a revitalized smile! This versatile treatment can solve many dental imperfections. Below are five of the more common issues that veneers are used to treat.

1. Crooked or Crowded Teeth

Veneers are a great alternative to braces for some patients, but they won’t fix the headaches that are sometimes caused by crowded teeth. If this isn’t a problem for you, veneers may be an option to consider seriously. While braces can only even out your existing teeth, veneers allow you to change the color, shape and size of your teeth in addition to making them appear straight and evenly spaced. They transform your smile in just a few visits to the dentist, saving you years of wearing braces and retainers.

2. Widely Spaced or Irregularly Shaped Teeth

If you have a gap-toothed grin or an uneven smile you can’t stand, possible treatments include veneers, crowns, tooth reshaping, and dental contouring. The best treatment for you will depend on the health of your teeth, how many teeth you want to change, and how much of a change you’re looking to see. If your enamel is thin or the pulp of your tooth is close to the surface, you’re likely not a good candidate for tooth reshaping. Crowns require most of the tooth to be removed, but veneers only shave off a thin layer of enamel. They provide a dramatic change and are easy to apply to multiple teeth.

3. Cracked or Chipped Teeth

A severely broken tooth might require a crown and perhaps even a root canal, while very small chips can often be repaired with a filling. Larger chips or cracks that aren’t causing any pain and don’t risk future decay can be remedied with a veneer. Since choosing a veneer is such a custom process, you can ensure that the color, shape, and size match your other teeth well. Once the veneer is in place, it will look completely natural.

4. Stained or Discolored Teeth

Everyone struggles with yellowing teeth due to age or the consumption of certain foods and drinks, though this can be combated with whitening toothpastes or treatments. Some people, however, suffer from stains or discolorations on their teeth that do not respond well to whitening treatments. Medications, high fluoride levels in the water, and trauma during the development of teeth are just a few things that can cause these stains. If you have stains that make you feel self-conscious of your smile, a veneer might be a great solution for you. The material is less susceptible to staining than your natural teeth, so while you still need to brush and maintain your veneers, you don’t have to give up coffee to keep them looking beautiful, either.

5. Worn or Damaged Enamel

Enamel erosion has a number of causes, some of which are out of your control. Genetics can simply make you predisposed to the issue, while medications, acid reflux disease, and other gastrointestinal diseases can all contribute to your enamel being worn down over time. Your lifestyle can also play a huge role, however. Drinking a lot of soda, making a habit of using your teeth to tear open packages, and consuming a lot of sugars and starches will also contribute.

Enamel erosion can cause your teeth to be sensitive to hot or cold temperatures and sugary foods, which can develop into jolts of pain as the erosion worsens. You may also notice yellowing and indentations or chipping in the surface of your teeth. Enamel protects your teeth from cavities, so having a thin or damaged layer means you’re more susceptible to cavities. In this circumstance, a veneer can be used to protect your teeth, cover the yellow color that results from thin enamel, and relieve any pain you might be experiencing. It’s placed on the worn enamel and works as a barrier to protect against cavities and tooth decay.

Overall, veneers are an extremely versatile treatment option that offers patients a huge level of customization. Much like any treatment, however, you should research the available options and discuss your unique situation with Dr. Farless to determine whether or not they are right for you. Schedule your appointment today.

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