The Importance of Visiting the Dentist for Teeth Cleanings

Visiting the Dentist for Teeth Cleanings

The importance of visiting the dentist for teeth cleanings can’t be overemphasized. Yes, we’re biased, but there is a reason why.

We all know proper oral hygiene is important not only for your smile, but for your overall health as well. Regular dental visits are essential for the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. And in between those examinations, it’s important that you work to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. Regular dental exams and professional cleanings can prevent these and many other health problems.

Some of the most important reasons to have your teeth professionally cleaned on a regular basis are:

1. To prevent gum disease

Gum disease is infection of tissues surrounding your teeth, and one of the major causes of bone loss if left untreated. Regular dental cleanings and good home care are main factors in preventing gum disease.

2. To maintain good oral health

Regular dental visits, to your favorite local Greensboro dentist of course, will help your dentist and hygienist to follow your oral health and compare them with the previous results, and should you fall off track, your hygienist will put you back on the right track. On these visits, your dentist and hygienist will look closely for any signs of problems with your teeth and gums, and it is well known that all problems when detected early are a lot easier and less expensive to treat and have a better prognosis.

3. To help detect oral cancer

Early diagnosis of oral cancer is very important in improving of the prognosis of cancer. When you have dental cleanings, you are also screened for oral cancer.

4.To have a healthy smile

When you have a beautiful smile, you feel more confident and satisfied with your being. When you feel confident, your social life improves, and it opens up the door for many possibilities in your career as well. Regular dental cleanings and hygienist’s individualization of your needs, will help you to get and keep a healthy smile.

5. Brighten your smile

Drinking coffee, tea and wine or using tobacco can stain your teeth. A dental cleaning can remove built-up stains and leave you with freshly polished teeth. The result? A whiter, brighter smile!

6. Freshen your breath

Good oral hygiene is the best way to prevent persistent bad breath. Even if you brush and floss regularly, getting a cleaning is a great way to keep your mouth healthy and odor-free.

7. To help maintain good overall health

Experts know that there is a correlation between poor oral health and chronic inflammatory diseases such as: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other problems such as: stroke, premature and low birth weight. Regular dental cleanings will help to keep you teeth and gums healthy, which will also help with management of these other problems.

After your cleaning we can better assess and tell you about the health of your teeth and gums make any additional recommendations. It’s important that you see your dentist every six months and that they give you routine examination and cleaning. Remember, by seeing your dentist on a regular basis and following daily good oral hygiene practices at home, you are more likely to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

One of the best ways to keep up good oral health is by seeing your dentist regularly for teeth cleaning and check up. If you would like to schedule an appointment contact Graham Farless DDS at 336-282-2868 or visit our website at