5 Key Differences Between Traditional and Implant-Supported Dentures

Implants vs. dentures

Did you know that nearly 50% of Americans are missing at least one tooth, and a staggering 40 million people have lost all of their teeth? If you find yourself among this group, you’re definitely not alone. Missing teeth can lead to risks like tooth shifting and bone loss, so seeking a tooth replacement is vital. But here’s the big question: should you go for implants or dentures? Let’s explore the key differences between implants vs. dentures to find the best choice for you!

Implants vs. Dentures: What You Should Know

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, you have two main options: traditional dentures or implant-supported dentures. A classic denture is a removable oral appliance that can replace missing teeth in either your upper or lower jaw, while an implant-supported denture is similar but securely attaches to your jawbone using dental implants

Traditional dentures and implant-supported dentures may seem similar, but they are distinct prosthetics offering unique benefits. Let’s dive into the key differences between these tooth replacement solutions.

1. How They’re Secured 

Implant-supported dentures are anchored by several titanium implants surgically placed in the jawbone, providing exceptional stability. In contrast, traditional dentures rely on suction or denture adhesive for attachment, which may lead to occasional slipping or discomfort. The enhanced security of implant-supported dentures allows for confident eating, proper chewing, and clear speech. Moreover, the implants’ presence stimulates the jawbone, promoting its health and preventing bone loss.

2. How They’re Fitted and Placed 

Both types of dentures may involve tooth extraction as a preliminary step. However, the fitting process for implant-supported or implant-retained dentures requires titanium implants to be carefully inserted into the jawbone. On the other hand, traditional dentures typically don’t require surgery, making them a simpler option for those who may not be suitable candidates for dental implants.

3. How to Take Care of Them 

Traditional and implant-supported dentures require diligent care to maintain their cleanliness and appearance. Dentures should be cleaned regularly to prevent stains and ensure they look and feel like new. Implant-supported dentures that mimic natural teeth demand the same attention as real teeth. Brushing twice a day, daily flossing, and using a fluoridated mouthwash to rinse away food particles are essential habits to preserve the longevity and performance of these tooth replacements.

4. How They Support the Health of Your Jawbone

Natural tooth roots play a crucial role in maintaining jawbone density by providing stimulation, which triggers your body to maintain the density of bone in your jaw. Titanium implants, used in implant-supported dentures, offer the same benefits. The presence of these implants in the jawbone stimulates bone growth, preventing bone loss and maintaining the structure of the jaw. This vital support ensures a strong foundation for your implant-supported dentures, promoting overall oral health and preventing jawbone deterioration (and that “sunken-in” look) over time.

5. Aesthetics 

Choosing between implant-supported dentures and traditional dentures depends on individual preferences and needs. Farless Dental Group offers a range of implant-supported denture options to cater to diverse requirements:

  • Implant-supported dentures: This option involves several implants securing a fixed arch of dentures permanently in place.
  • Implant-retained dentures: Offering flexibility, this type of denture allows the patient to remove the denture arch while maintaining secure attachment to the implants when the denture is fitted.
  • All-on-4: This innovative system ensures a full arch of teeth is securely placed with as few as four implants, providing a reliable and efficient solution for tooth replacement.

How to decide between traditional dentures and implant-supported dentures.

Choosing the right tooth replacement option is a significant decision that can impact your oral health and overall well-being. To help you make an informed choice, consider the following key factors:

  • Jawbone health: If you have sufficient jawbone density and want a long-term solution, implant-supported dentures offer excellent support and help prevent bone loss.
  • Stability and functionality: If you prioritize stability and the ability to eat, speak, and laugh confidently, implant-supported dentures may be the ideal choice.
  • Aesthetics: If you desire a natural-looking smile that closely resembles your original teeth, implant-supported dentures can provide the most realistic and attractive results.
  • Cost: Traditional dentures are typically more budget-friendly upfront, making them a suitable option if cost is a significant concern.
  • Timeframe: If you need a quicker solution, traditional dentures can be fitted in less time, while implant-supported dentures require a longer treatment process.
  • Health considerations: Traditional dentures might be the better option for patients with certain medical conditions or oral health issues due to surgical limitations.

Ultimately, the decision between traditional dentures and implant-supported dentures depends on your unique needs, preferences, and oral health. Farless Dental Group is here to guide you through this process, offering personalized recommendations to achieve your dream smile and improve your quality of life. 

Farless Dental Group can help you decide between implants and dentures.

Understanding the differences between traditional and implant-supported dentures is crucial for making an informed decision on your tooth replacement journey. Whether you seek dentures near Greensboro, NC, or are considering a smile makeover and titanium implants, Farless Dental Group is here to cater to your unique needs.
Implant-supported dentures offer enhanced stability, aesthetics, and jawbone health, while traditional dentures provide a simpler and more affordable option. With choices like overdentures and various implant-supported denture options, we can tailor the perfect solution for you. Don’t wait to regain your confidence and oral health—schedule a consultation today!