10 Alternative Approaches to Reducing Anxiety and Boosting Health

Kick anxiety and boost your health at the same time

Stress-Induced Anxiety

Let’s face it; life can be stressful. We all meet competing demands from our jobs to balancing bills, social lives, and the COVID-19 pandemic. With so many pressures to manage, our anxiety can take a toll on our bodies, and we don’t always realize it. Thankfully, there are things that we can do to boost our immune system. And some of these alternative approaches to reducing anxiety are easier than we might realize.

Try these alternative approaches to reduce anxiety and boost your health

Anxiety has several harmful effects on our bodies and can wreak havoc on our cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune system, respiratory system, and more. Not only that, but when we fail to take steps to lessen our anxiety, we can experience headaches, muscle tension, insomnia, depression, and even social isolation. If you are experiencing anxiety and want to explore some alternative approaches to boost your health, give one of these tricks a try.

1. Write down your fears and read them aloud

This might sound a bit silly, but trust us, it works. Sometimes, when we are scared and worried about something, it doesn’t seem bothersome when we say it aloud. But if it doesn’t work simply to read them out loud to yourself, try reading them out loud to someone else and then throwing each one into the trash after it has been read. Take it as symbolism, letting that fear or worry go out with the trash.

2. Focus on the positives

Optimism can have its advantages. When it comes to optimism vs. pessimism, it is believed that optimists can better handle what life throws at them and can better enjoy significant measures of physical, mental, and social health. And, when focusing on the positives, optimists can take on more stress because of their ability to see possibility and opportunity. Put another way, positive thinking helps with stress management and can help you improve your quality of life.

3. Be kind to others

There are some benefits to kindness that you have likely predicted, especially since you are reading an article about reducing anxiety. But did you know that when you are kind, you boost your body’s levels of serotonin production? Serotonin is a neurochemical messenger that serves as a mood stabilizer and produces healthy sleeping patterns. So being kind to others has many health benefits.

4. Give compliments to others

If you have ever received a genuine compliment from someone, it probably gave you an ego boost, and probably for more than just a few minutes. Let’s face it, we all love to receive a compliment, especially when it is genuine and comes from someone we trust or admire. But not only does it feel good to receive a compliment, it feels good to give one too. So, never hesitate to stop someone, whether you are at the store, at home, or at work, to tell them what you like about them. Of course, consider social etiquette and appropriate timing, but if you see something cool, then by all means, say something.

5. Call someone to tell them you are thinking of them

When was the last time you called a parent or other loved one to tell them that you were thinking of them? Even during the height of COVID, when it was more important than ever to check in on our relatives, it got easy to let too much time pass by before reaching out to check in and say hello. So, as much as it is essential for those we love to hear from us, it feels good for us too to know that we made their day. Take a few minutes to stop what you are doing and call a loved one to say hello. Trust us, you’ll be glad you did.

6. Dress the part, even if you work from home

More and more workers started working remotely when the pandemic hit, and that trend has continued. But just because you might be working from home, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make efforts to look your best. Getting dressed for work can positively influence your mental disposition, even if no one can see you. This doesn’t mean you have to wear a suit and tie or a dress that you can barely breathe in. But look the part and wear something that makes you feel good. You’ll notice that you’ll feel more confident while you work, and it will give a boost to your overall wellbeing.

7. Get your teeth whitened for a more confident, winning smile

Our smiles play a serious role in our self-confidence. Many times, our smiles are what win people over when they first meet us. Our smiles are also what show sadness when we are down and can help turn a frown upside down in others. But when your smile is less beautiful than you want it to be, you might be less inclined to flash it to others. And for you ladies out there, teeth whitening just so happens to be one of the top five cosmetic dental services we think Greensboro, NC, women will love.

8. Make your daily health and wellbeing a priority

Despite all of those pressing demands on your life, one thing that needs to remain a priority is you. Take some time every day for some self-care. Take yourself (or Fido) for a walk around the block. Sit out on the front porch and read a chapter from your favorite novel. Go out for a run or get in a quick upper body workout. Take a bath or take a long leisurely shower. Whatever you do, find something that feels good for you and make it happen. An indulgence here or there is good for the body, mind, and soul and is worth the extra effort. It’ll help reduce your anxiety and will provide a much-needed boost to your health.

9. Don’t jeopardize your oral health

Your oral health serves as the gateway to your overall health. And your daily oral hygiene routine is just as important when you get busy as it is when you have some extra time to spare. So make sure you take time every day to brush twice, floss at least once and rinse your mouth with a fluoridated mouthwash. Of course, don’t overlook those twice-annual trips to the dentist either. Taking care of your oral health is just one way to maintain a healthy body and minimize anxiety.

10. Don’t let your fear of the dentist keep you away

If you have dental anxiety, don’t let that keep you from seeing your dentist. Sedation dentistry in Greensboro, NC, makes it easier than ever to get the dental procedures you need without pain or discomfort. With his approach to sedation dentistry, Dr. Farless will prescribe the appropriate medication you require in a pill form that you take in his office just before your dental treatment. In most cases, you’ll nap comfortably through your visit and leave feeling relaxed, healthy, and well cared for. Sedation dentistry is an excellent option for those with high dental anxiety and fear, a severe gag reflex, challenges getting numb, considerable treatment needs, or a desire for comfortable, relaxing dentistry.

Let Farless Dental Group help you boost your confidence and reduce your anxiety

If your smile is a source of your anxiety or overdue for a visit to the dentist and you are looking for a family dentist in Greensboro, NC, look no further. Request an appointment using our online form, or call us at (336) 282-2868. We look forward to seeing you.