Top 5 Myths About Tooth Loss in Adults

Don't believe the tooth loss myths

Debunking the Myths Surrounding Tooth Loss

Your teeth are made from the hardest known biological material: enamel. This may lead you to believe that enamel is stronger than other materials, like steel, and more durable, able to withstand the wear and tear of daily life. But the fact is enamel degradation and tooth loss are real concerns, even for healthy people. Your dental enamel is strong, but it isn’t indestructible, and various behaviors and factors can lead to its erosion and subsequent tooth loss. 

Unfortunately, many adults believe myths surrounding tooth loss, which can contribute to poor decision-making when caring for their teeth. The team at Farless Dental Group wishes to dispel those myths so you know what you need to about losing teeth and how to prevent it.

Myth #1: You will only experience tooth loss if you practice poor oral hygiene. 

Though good health and good brushing and flossing habits can indeed help prevent tooth decay, cavities, and tooth loss, it doesn’t mean that partaking in these habits makes you immune to those dental problems. Healthy people can still experience tooth loss. And the truth is losing teeth can occur for many reasons. 

Teeth can be knocked out, cracks can happen when we bite down on hard candy or another hard food item, and other lifestyle choices and health conditions can weaken our teeth too. Further, as much as we might hate to believe it, nobody’s perfect and nobody has perfect hygiene habits.

Myth #2: You can’t replace knocked-out teeth.

There are various reasons adults can experience a knocked-out tooth. Whether it’s from a traumatic accident involving the face or even a trip and fall, knocked-out teeth can happen to anyone. But just because you have knocked out a tooth doesn’t mean you can’t have it replaced. 

Of course, the best thing to do if your tooth is knocked out is to get to your dentist as soon as possible. In the case of an emergency, an emergency dentist may be able to reposition the tooth in the socket. Otherwise, dental implants, bridges, and dentures can help you regain your smile and correct tooth loss.

Myth #3: Tooth loss just happens with age.

It is true that your dental enamel thins as you get older, making you more susceptible to tooth decay or gum disease. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that tooth loss is inevitable as you age. In fact, that is far from the truth. 

You can lessen your risk of tooth loss by practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist every six months for a dental cleaning and oral examination. Knowledge is power, so the more you know about your risk factors for tooth decay or gum disease, the more you can do to prevent it. 

For example, the Baby Boomers are the first generation to keep more of their teeth because they had access to better education and awareness about preventive dental care. Further, Millennials and younger generations have a growing understanding of how the rest of their habits, including diet and exercise, play into their dental health.

Myth #4: Getting dentures is inevitable.

As we alluded to earlier, tooth loss is largely preventable. If you do experience tooth loss, the modern dental implant is practically a miracle, providing you with the opportunity to replace your teeth and its roots. No one will be the wiser. But before you worry about whether or not you will eventually need implant restorations or dentures, make sure you take the time to care for your teeth. 

Maintain your six-month checkups with your dentist, brush twice a day, floss once a day, drink fluoridated water, rinse daily with a fluoridated mouthwash, and switch to an electric toothbrush if you haven’t already. And if you experience tooth loss despite your best efforts, restorative dentistry for tooth loss can be a game changer.

Myth #5: A few missing teeth won’t matter for your smile or oral health.

We’ve had patients tell us that they are not concerned about their missing teeth because having a few won’t matter. However, this is far from the truth. Missing teeth can cause various difficulties, ranging from chewing issues to migrating teeth and bone resorption. So, if you are missing some teeth, you may need to see your dentist to explore restorative dentistry options. 

And if you have lost all of your teeth, full mouth dental implants can completely restore your smile and make you look like you again.

Taking steps to prevent tooth loss will help you keep your smile.

Tooth loss doesn’t have to be part of your future. You can take steps to maintain your oral health and keep your teeth and gums healthy. But if you do lose a tooth, dental implants are a great solution and can help you reclaim your oral health. 

If you have experienced tooth loss and are ready to regain your smile, now is the time to request an appointment with Farless Dental Group. We look forward to seeing you.