Taking Care of Porcelain Veneers

Taking Care of Porcelain Veneers

Tips for taking care of porcelain veneers after you’ve created your perfect smile.

Porcelain Veneers are thin shells of ceramic that are attached to the front of the teeth to create the appearance of a natural, flawless smile. Porcelain Veneers are individually made to suit the size, shape, and color of each patient; easily making this procedure one of the most effective in transforming the smiles to thousands of patients.

In order to maintain the integrity of porcelain veneers, caution and care are most definitely required. Porcelain veneers should be treated like your normal teeth, and so all standard dental hygiene procedures should be done. Make sure to maintain an effective brushing and flossing routine as these are the most vital in a dental hygiene routine. While tooth decay can’t necessarily form on or through a veneer’s porcelain surface, decay may definitely develop on any other natural part of the tooth.

Aside from keeping up with your normal dental hygiene routine, here are some other tips you should follow to effectively take care of porcelain veneers.

  • Minimize heavy biting pressures on a porcelain veneer: Activities such as biting your fingernails, biting on hair pins, or chewing on ice may put enough force directly on a veneer, causing it to break off or chip away. The condition known as “bruxism,” or the grinding of one’s teeth, may cause veneers to wear down at a more rapid rate.
  • Minimize stain producing influences: Although veneer’s are generally stain resistant exposure to coffee, tea, wine, tobacco products, and other chromogenic products can darken teeth and restorations in time.

If you have any questions or concerns about taking care of your porcelain veneers or other cosmetic dentistry procedures, call Graham Farless DDS at 336-282-2868. Visit our website to learn more about our practice at www.gsodentist.com.