Movember Dental Tips – Take Care of Your Man Face

Movember Dental Tips

It’s the time of year we see the men in the world become much hairier in the face. Consider these Movember Dental Tips as you hang out with your new mountain man.

November is the “month of the moustache” to raise awareness of men’s health issues. And they need it – men aren’t the most apt to make (and keep) an appointment about their health. In fact, men are less likely than women to seek preventive dental care and may neglect their oral health for years, according to the American Dental Association. Here are some stats for those that want to see numbers:

  • The average man is less likely to brush his teeth after every meal (20.5% compared with 28.7% for women)
  • The average man is less likely to brush his teeth twice a day (49% compared with 56.8% for women)
  • Men are more likely to have untreated dental decay than women (29% compared with 25% for women, age 35-44)

And if you don’t want a healthy smile, that’s your prerogative. But there is more to keeping your dental health in check than a nice smile. Evidence suggests a connection between gum disease and cardiovascular disease, which can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. In order to keep things running smoothly, keep an eye out for some of the more common symptoms: red, swollen, tender or bleeding gums, persistent bad breath or loose teeth. If you come across any one of those symptoms, you are going to need to see a dentist. Leaving these symptoms untreated will only make things worse, and you may not be able to cover it up with some facial hair.

If you have questions or concerns about your dental health, make an appointment today with Dr. Farless at 336-282-2868 or visit our website at

Dr. Farless also proudly serves Greensboro, Brown Summit, Jamestown, High Point, McLeansville, Summerfield and all surrounding areas.