Protect Your Oral Health With an Annual Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation

Annual comprehensive periodontal evaluation

According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 47.2% of adults aged 30 years and older have some form of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, the more serious form of gum disease, results from infections and inflammation of the gums and bones surrounding the teeth. Though periodontal disease is more common in men than women, it is a risk for everyone and remains one of the greatest threats to your dental health.

An annual comprehensive periodontal evaluation can keep gum disease at bay. 

When we think about our oral health, we often think about our teeth and stop at that. But our oral health includes our gums as well. If you have shown signs of gum disease, you may need more than a trip to your dentist every six months for a dental cleaning and oral evaluation. A visit to a periodontist for an annual comprehensive periodontal evaluation may be in order to assess your risk of periodontal disease and determine whether treatment for periodontal disease is necessary.

During your evaluation, the following six areas will be assessed.

  1. Teeth 
  2. Plaque 
  3. Gums
  4. Bite
  5. Bone structure
  6. Risk factors 

After these areas have been assessed, your dentist or periodontist will review the findings with you and discuss any necessary treatment. At this time, you will be encouraged to ask questions to ensure you understand what was discovered and to make sure you are on board with the recommended next steps.

What are the signs of periodontal disease?

Our patients often ask us what signs they should be on the lookout for that might indicate the presence of periodontal disease. Though your dentist will do a cursory look for these issues during your oral evaluation at your appointment every six months, oftentimes patients will notice these issues before that next appointment comes up.

  1. Red or swollen gums
  2. Tender or bleeding gums
  3. Halitosis (bad breath) that doesn’t go away when you brush your teeth or rinse with mouthwash
  4. Pain when chewing
  5. Loose teeth
  6. Sensitive teeth
  7. Gum recession (gums that have pulled away from your teeth)
  8. A change in the way your dentures fit, making them loose or less comfortable than the way they were before
  9. A change in the way your teeth come together when you bite down

Who is at risk for periodontal disease?

Many factors can increase your risk of developing periodontal disease. If any of these factors apply to you, it is critical to share them with your dentist or periodontist to ensure that they can appropriately diagnose your illness and provide the best treatment plan possible.

  1. Diabetes
  2. Use of tobacco products
  3. Poor oral hygiene (be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, floss once daily, and rinse once a day with a fluoridated mouthwash)
  4. Stress
  5. Heredity (if your family members before you have had periodontal disease, you may be at greater risk)
  6. Crooked or misaligned teeth (crooked teeth make it harder to brush between, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum recession)
  7. Defective fillings
  8. Immunodeficiencies
  9. Various medications that cause dry mouth
  10. Poor fitting dental bridges  
  11. Hormonal changes in females such as pregnancy or the use of oral contraceptives 

The Long-term Risks of Periodontitis

Unfortunately, failure to control your periodontitis (periodontal disease) can lead to various other dental and medical concerns. As bacteria in your mouth continue to grow and fester, they can work their way into your bloodstream, traveling throughout your body and causing further problems. The same bacteria that causes tooth decay has been found in the plaque in your arteries, which also contributes to heart disease. In fact, periodontal disease is closely tied to many full-body illnesses such as:

Because periodontal disease causes these other serious health problems throughout your body, it lessens your overall immune response, putting you and your body at a higher risk for other infections. Thus, getting a comprehensive periodontal evaluation can help protect your gums and the rest of your body.

Visit Farless Dental Group for your annual Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation (CPE)

Whether you are worried about gum disease or not, the team at Farless Dental Group encourages you to add a Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation to your dental care plan. And this is just one element of care that you can expect as part of the quality dental care you can expect near Greensboro, North Carolina. 

So if you are ready to get on a path to protect both your teeth and gums, request an appointment today with Farless Dental Group. We look forward to meeting you!